Name: Ghanaian Mother and Child
Made by and When: Akua, 2022
Material: Cloth, stuffing, embroidery thread, black yarn
Marks: Unmarked
Height: 16 and 6-1/2 inches, respectively
Hair, Eyes, Mouth: Black yarn hair, embroidered eyebrows and eyes with black pupils, closed mouths stitched with red embroidery thread
Clothes: Blue floral-print dresses; the headwrap, undergarment, and baby sling for the larger doll are the same fabric.
Other: The mother and daughter dolls were handmade by a woman named Akua, which means “born on Wednesday.” The doll pair was purchased as a gift for the curator by Stacy Bailey-Ndiaye from a craft shop in Accra, Ghana in 2022.
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