Name: Shoshana II, a Kwanzaa Celebration Child (Chairman’s Special Edition)
Made by and When: Bruno Rossellini for Great American Doll Company (GADCO), late 1990s
Material: Hard-cast vinyl, stuffed beige cloth body with wired arms for posing, synthetic hair fibers, glass eyes
Marks: (Incised in the head) The Great American Doll Company an Original Bruno Rossellini Design; (Handwritten) 18/50.
Height: 33 inches (the doll); 12 inches (the teddy bear)
Hair, Eyes, Mouth: Afro-textured black wig and a colorful headband that matches the dress fabric; brown stationary glass eyes with applied upper and lower eyelashes, smiling closed mouth with wine lip color.
Clothes: The bold-colored Kwanzaa celebration dress has images of brown-skinned people dressed festively for Kwanzaa. A gold teddy bear pendant on a black cord necklace has a one-point diamond. Shoshana II wears blue leather shoes, has a Kwanzaa gift box to hold and a 12-inch, mink-like fur teddy bear.
Other: Created in a limited edition (LE) of 50 to commemorate Kwanzaa celebration and festivities, this Shoshana II is #18 of 50. Shoshana I, created in a LE of 1000, has a cornrowed wig and is dressed identically to Shoshana II.
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