Name: Cloth Male Doll by Sue Johnson
Made by and When: Sue Johnson, 1987
Material: Cloth, paint, stuffing
Marks: Handwritten on the back of the left: Sue Johnson / ©1987. On the back of the right leg, #72 (indicates this doll is the 72nd doll made; the edition number is not included).
Height: 21 inches
Hair, Eyes, Mouth: Hand-painted black hair, brown eyes, and a closed mouth
Clothes: Wears a red heart-print shirt and blue and white ticking overalls that have a heart on the front made from the shirt fabric. Painted-on black socks and brown side-button boots complete the clothing.
Other: The curator named this male doll Frank after her paternal grandfather and great-grandfather. The doll’s artist-given name is unknown.

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