Name: Disney Descendants: The Rise of Red Queen Cinderella
Made by and When: Disney/Mattel, 2024
Material: Vinyl with 11 bendable joints
Height: 11-1/2 inches
Hair, Eyes, Mouth: Brown-painted eyes with blue eyeshadow, black rooted hair, smiling mouth with deep red lip color
Clothes: Wears a light blue ball gown, “glass” shoes, an elegant necklace and earrings, full-length sheer white gloves, and a crown
Other: A portrait doll of Brandy Norwood in her role as Queen Cinderella in Disney Descendants: The Rise of Red, is presented in a display box. The back-of-the-box features a full-length photo of the singer/actress and reads, “A forever dreamer, this Queen Cinderella doll rules with kindness and grace.”
Gallery (Photographs courtesy of Telisa Spain)
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