Name: Baby Dainty
Made by and When: Effanbee, 1920s
Material: Composition unjointed head attached to a composition torso, jointed composition arms and replaced legs, cloth lower body, paint, and stuffing
Marks: EFFANBEE (on the back)
Height: 11 inches
Hair, Eyes, Mouth: Painted black hair, painted brown eyes, closed mouth
Clothes: Redressed in a red and white gingham dress with a matching bonnet, a white full slip and panties, white socks, and black Mary-Jane-style shoes
Other: Effanbee made several versions of Baby Dainty dolls. The lower body and legs of this version were originally cloth. A former owner replaced the cloth legs with composition bent baby legs. Written by its former owner, the wrist tag identifies the doll as Effanbee / colored / 1924 / followed by its secondary market purchase date of 03/29/78. The doll entered the curator’s collection in 2013.
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