Name: Zane
Made by and When: Ping Lau, 2008
Material: Resin head, shoulder plate, arms, and legs; cloth body, synthetic wig, and paint
Marks: (Shoulder plate) Ping / 2008 (incised inside a raised resin rectangle) / 2008 WLBD
Height: 12 inches
Hair, Eyes, Mouth: Handmade black short curly wig, brown-painted eyes, slightly parted lips with two upper teeth.
Clothes/Accessory: White short-sleeved shirt; blue, tan, and gray striped suspender shorts, blue vest, white socks, black oxfords; holds a teddy bear
Other: Zane is made from the same mold as the 2008 WeLoveBlackDolls Club Doll, Zahara. A one-of-a-kind doll, the curator commissioned Ping Lau to make Zane for Zahara’s companion.
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